Whiteboards are a centerpiece in WODTogether, much like they are at most CrossFit gyms. They provide a place to see the WODs, check-in to class, post results, and compare scores. A coach should create a whiteboard for each day, for each program offered at the gym (CrossFit, Barbell Club, Endurance, On-Ramp, etc)
Option | Description |
Program | Select the program this whiteboard is for, if you only have 1 program this option will not be shown. |
Whiteboard Date Required |
The date that the workouts are to be performed |
Publish | The date/time that the whiteboard will become visible to non-coaches. Coaches will always see all whiteboards. |
Pre-WOD | Notes/instructions about warm-ups, stretching, or unmeasured skill work. This stuff is not scored. |
Workouts Required |
These are the scored, measurable activities for the day. Each score you would write on the whiteboard is considered a "workout." If you're doing a handful of 2 minute AMRAP tests, each would have its own score, so each would be a separate workout in WODTogether (even though you might consider it all one big "workout"). |
WOD Comments | Information about how to structure the workouts (specific rest between WODs etc). |
Post-WOD | Just like Pre-WOD, but for after the workouts. |