A "workout" in WODTogether is any measurable task or list of tasks.
Define the Rx (male and female) task list for each workout. The system will try and interpret your input, so each line should have only a workout format (# of rounds, rep scheme, AMRAP time) or a movement with variables (reps, weight, time, distance). Avoid any extra text, which you can add to the Comments section on tab #3.
If you need to create a workout that the system doesn't understand, use the "Skip Validation" checkbox.
Scoring determines how the result will be ranked: for time, heaviest load, total weight, reps, round & reps etc. There is also an arbitrary "Points" scoring option as well as "Non-Scored"
You should review the male and female Rx definitions to make sure the system understood your input correctly. You can then add comments, like "double unders must be unbroken." And finally, you can provide a name for the workout to make it easier to find later on, or just for fun.