These are your first steps with WODTogether
From the Coach's Dashboard, scroll down to find the link to Gym Settings. There are several important and useful options on that page. Be sure to set your timezone accurately, and fill in email addresses to receive notifications.
Full details on gym settings are available here: Gym Settings Details
Each "Program" at your gym (CrossFit, Barbell Club, Competitor Class, Endurance, On Ramp, Yoga, whatever) has its own schedule. Go to Coach's Dashboard, then click on Program Management. Here you can create programs, and edit your existing programs. A name, description, and most importantly the schedule is all it takes to make up a program.
You can't start selling until you have linked Amazon Payments, but you can set up your shop. Create your memberships and other products by going to the Shop and clicking New Product (or Coach's Dashboard then New Product).
The key parts of creating a product are Status (Active, Hidden, Inactive), the Payment Type (One Time, Recurring etc), and of course the Amount.
Full details on creating products are available here: Creating Products
You should have everything set up by now, just click here to read about adding users.